- general info, shows and research projects.
- downloads, commons, video. archive
Akademie - academy as a selforganised temporary form of exchange, publication. 1995, ca 400 pages, ed stephan dillemuth
The Academy And The Corporate Public - an investigation into the interdependencies of art education/ art production and economisation of art. publication, 2002, ca 300 pages, ed stephan dillemuth
Corporate Rokoko - 2035 , 'Werner von Delmont-'
Lebensreform, Utopia, Bohemia, Under The Wheel - a collaborative wiki.
Die Akademie der Akademie - wiki-index of german /european academies and current developments.
K2ao - activities of a class of art students somewhere in germany.
A branch of GFLK / Galerie für Landschaftskunst Hamburg / in Bad Tölz
- davies, dillemuth, jakobsen :
Published among others in: Art and Its Institutions, Edited by Nina Montmann. NIFCA and Black Dog Publishing, London 2006; Andreas Forgarasi, Kultur and Freizeit, Timar Katalin. Hungarian Pavilion Venice Biennale. Mucsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest 2007; Art and Social Change. A Critical Reader. Will Bradley, Charles Esche. Afterall and Tate Publishing 2007; Anarchism Without Objectives. On the Work of Christopher D’Archangelo. Exhibition Catalogue for Artists Space New York. 2011; Micro-Historias Y Macro-Mundos, Vol.3. Edited by Maria Lind. 2011 Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, 2011 and Documents of Contemporary Art. Formal Abstraction, Economic Abstraction, Social Abstraction. Edited by Maria Lind, Whitechapel gallery and MIT Press 2013
- davies, dillemuth, jakobsen :
- dany, dillemuth: das soziale als fetisch oder der fetisch des sozialen
- einarsson faldbakken dillemuth in the swamp of the light, a conversation about lebensreform
- fog pedersen dillemuth conversation A production of a production against the advance of capitalism? Reflections on the Lebensreform movements and today’s globalized capitalist society
- dillemuth: the academy and the corporate public / final version / film script / the hard way to enlightenment
- der arge weg zur erkenntnis deutsche version
- the hard way to enlightenment englische version
- spanish version
- portugese version
- russian version
- chinese version
- texte zur kunst, nr. 82 / june 2011 „artistic research“ de / english
- Whats your name bohemia de, TZK 97/2015
- norman, dillemuth: shining on the trampled path research, art. engl
- zehe, jung, dillemuth: old codgers new codgers on art academies, engl
- dillemuth: old and new monsters on academies, Frieze, issue on art education, engl, sept 2006 deutsch
- hochdoerfer dillemuth conversation: in exquisite attire, the rococo stands amock performance, rokoko, politics, art
- leeb, dillemuth interview: nun künstler, wo steht ihr, seid ihr auch bereit... performance, delmont, corporate rokoko
- dillemuth: a short history of the workers theatre
- strau, dillemuth interview: elysium15 romantik, elbsandstein gebirge
- weismann, dillemuth interview : corporater rokoko und die ironie der romantiker für die Zeitschrift Plotter 2003
- dillemuth: Elbe Sandstone Mountains 1789-1849, film script, engl, 1994
- dillemuth: A film about Richard Wagner and his circle, film script, engl Assuming then, this would be true, would that make it desirable also?
- Martin Beck im Gespräch mit Stephan Dillemuth Friesenwall 120 - Andere Erfahrungen, andere Sozialisation english
- demircan dillemuth conversation Video in der Ausstellungdokumentation, Friesenwall 120, Cologne. What was it that made the documentation of collective artist activities from the early 1990s so different, so appealing?
- dillemuth: a kind of spectral normalcy public space after genova, engl.
- dillemuth: Out of the frying pan into the fire engl.
- Kunst Werte Gesellschaft Kunst Werte Gesellschaft ..."zur aktuellen Bedeutung von non-profit Institutionen als Scharnier zwischen Öffentlichkeit und Kunstmarkt und vor allem mit ihrer Funktion für gesellschaftliche Aushandlungsprozesse über den Wert von Kunst" müsse sich diese Tagung auch selbst zum Objekt seiner Analyse machen.
- stefan hoderlein, stephan dillemuth interview: i could not live without it techno, house music, rave
- gerhard pfennig, stephan dillemuth interview: von der lobby auf die strasse BBK, VG Bild, Künstlerverbände, Künstlersozialkasse (* engl_version)
- thomas ruff, stephan dillemuth interview: das bleibt abzuwarten
- stephan dillemuth: wiederholung wiederholt
- renee green, stephan dillemuth: to serve engl, aus services katalog, 1995