T H E   W O R K S H O P

Der letzte Schliff,
or how to become successful in the arts



tour of our school house

c o n d u c t e d   b y

Paukmeister Patterson and Saint Reverend Jen Miller.
Postgraduates are Ken Okiishi and Nick Mauss.

Including various field trips and visiting lecturers.

NB! The participation is free of charge.
Classes are Tuesdays at 5pm and Saturdays at 3pm

Excursions, site trips, the real world:
Visit an "Off Track Betting"
Visit Kostabi world visit Williamsburg.
Visit artists dayjobs.
Visit the Reverend Jen's Lower East Side Troll Museum

Join Mary Sellman, world-renowned docent on a tour of Chelsea galleries

Guest teachers:
Rosalie Knox - Tie dye, byo t-shirt
Karen Hallock - N'SYNC dance class
Charlie Finch - How to become successful in the arts
Alex Bag - Studio visit with haircuts
Tony&Tina - Entrepreneurship
Pieter Schoolwerth - On Museum Guards
Liz Bougatsos - Political Rock Bands
Amy Kellner - Dressing Cool
Spencer Sweeny - On drinking

Class Assignments:
Show Mary Boone your slides (or, try to show Mary Boone your slides). Make at least one friend at an art opening (and, show proof of it). Find a public restroom in Chelsea. Create a completely fake resume. Bake Sale to raise funds for: scholarship, uniforms...


"How to dress for success in the art world" - featuring an art star makeover, "Discuss creatively visualizing your goals", "Take an art student to work" Day, A security guard discusses their job, Sister Wendy discusses art at the millennium, "How to Survive a Crappy Day Job" (how to call in sick to work, etc.), "Cooking for art stars" i.e. making Ramen noodles and ordering in, "Doo-Doo" the creative genius behind Teletubbies,talks about creating and marketing a successful TV show.

Library and Videos:
Reds, Vaudeville, All Rev Jen tapes, Bethlehem Workers Theatre as featured in EGG, The Cradle Will Rock, Renee Vienet: Can Dialectics Break Bricks, Dennis Hopper: Last Movie
