BibliothekAktuelle Akademien:
Postgraduate Academies:Benelux
Great Britain USA Japan PHD doctoral programmes:Kunstakademien:Berlin Braunschweig Bremen Dessau Dresden Düsseldorf Essen Frankfurt Genf Halle Hamburg Karlsruhe Kassel Kiel Köln Leipzig Linz Lüneburg Mainz München Münster Nürnberg Nürtingen Offenbach Saarbrücken Stuttgart Weimar Wien Wien Zürich Links : Link Aka AKADEMIECORPORATE PUBLICSOCIETY OF CONTROLHilfe |
Center for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Kitakyushu, J [http://www.CCA-KITAKYUSHU.ORG] 'CCA Kitakyushu wishes to be forum for communication, where artists and curator/ critics can discuss around the table to explore the new modes of creativity and to prove more deeply the issues of contemporary art as theses related to their individual concerns as artists/curators, together with the specialists from the other fields.' (1) The CCA is a relatively young postgraduate institute. It was founded in 1997 - in a new building but with an old format. The 30 students (artists and curators) are offered a one-year research program. The studios are approximately 30 square metres, there are 8 video-editing stations for VHS and DV-cam, as well as computer workstations. 'Open studios' take place in March. Apart from 'independent creative work' - the work in the studios - there are two categories of 'group work': a mandatory 3- to 4-week seminar taking place twice a year. In addition, there are so-called 'seminars of analysis' in which the entire group discusses their works using slides. 'In an age where humanities, social sciences and the hard sciences are expanding the boundaries of their disciplines, contemporary art maintains close links to all these fields, reflecting the diversity of society through free expression unfettered by existing values or paradigms.' ....'It purposes to establish in Kitakyushu a world centre for contemporary arts that will generate new ideas and perspectives, and will network closely with artists, the curators/ critics and many other institutions.' (2) An international committee of artists, art critics and curators accompanies the participants. In 1999/2000, members were, among others, Daniel Buren, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Saskia Bos and Klaus Biesenbach. Not only Biesenbach (artistic director at PS 1/ NY) and Bos (director of De Appel/ Amsterdam) are signs for an orientation toward Western postgraduate institutes. The institute is funded by the city and connected to a project gallery and a book production.
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