Catalog text:
The video ASCHE BASIS was made by Paschutan
Buzari and Stephan Dillemuth in 1995. It is 15 minutes long and
it looks like a sectional view through some hippies video
collection. You may call it a collage, others call it sampling
and then they might drivel about Hiphop or the digital nostalgia
of the 90s.
I guess that the filmmakers interest lay
buried in the graveyard of modern architecture or in what makes
the 1970s look so appealing for the 90s, when they were actually
just a pseudo utopia of a pseudo sexy, pseudo socialist society.
But resampling the failed intentions of a falsely glorified past
means throwing them into the face of current discussions around
city planning and the corporate representation of what was once
intended as a democratic community.
That debunks the 90s as a similarly oppressive,
similarly deceitful, but, unlike the 70s, almost masochistic
decade, where the only idea left for sale is that of a retro utopia.
One more year to get rid of this shit.
-1999 Werner von Delmont for Bergen Museum for
[VHS-Video (mit Paschutan Buzari), deutschsprachig, 15 min, vom
ß-SP Master, 1995]